Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Take That! Feel my Wrath!

When we were out of town Grandma MM graduated him to underwear during the daytime. Accidents are still frequent. However, sometimes he pees with a will.

A week or so ago, wg2 was outside blowing bubbles. There were the smallest of ants travelling at his feet. Wg2 lifted his left heel off of the ground to provide a clear shot and commenced peeing through his underwear and down his leg to the filing ants.

His mother asked him, "What are you doing?"
"I'm, I'm, I'm peeing on the ants."
"Because they're bad."

Though his speech is at time halting and stuttered, his actions are rarely so.

1 comment:

Joanna said...

Although Matthew doesn't feel the need to pee on bugs, he loves to squish, stomp, and grind those bugs into dust.  First, though, he has to inpect the bug, find out all of it's traits, and then the demolition begins!  It's great to see the expressions on other people's faces as he is literally jumping up and down on the bug's back.  So, about those pictures with the words wrapped around them.  I guess I did it by accident.  I wrote my schpiel first and then added the pictures.  The rest is history!  Don't center the pictures.  Use either the left or right setting.