Saturday, November 1, 2008

wg3 speaks

During the Trick or Treat route wg3 felt the need to speak to each candy vendor. "Do you have a dog?" "Can I pet him?" There were questions about decorations and comments about scary decorations he didn't like. "That guy's scary." "Why is there a hand in the bowl?" Etc... Sometimes he'd try to pick out his own candy; some adults were like, "Hey it's cool" and some were like, "I'll be handing out the candy son."

Nh of course acted as interpreter since wg3's annunciation isn't quite right yet. dg5 seemed to know the whole gig and played the part of the polite Trick or Treater very well, after a cool start anyway. Wg3 certainly broke the ice, but by the end dg5 was tugging his tail to get him to shut up and grab candy from the next house.

1 comment:

Joe said...

Luke (now 5) got cold feet just as he and the cousins were ready to head out. Decided it was going to be really scary and he didn't want to go. Peer pressure prevailed, though, and he went. And he had a good time when he realized zombies weren't answering the doors.