Tuesday, November 25, 2008

wg3 just needed me today for awhile

Today, wg3 took a nap. After awhile I attempted the same and as I lay down the bed squeaked pretty loudly. wg3 woke up and came over. He'd had an accident so I changed him and he, being not fully awake, cried weakly and softly. After he was dry he crawled into bed with me and didn't sleep. I was whooped and needed a nap, but alas he would not leave. I tried, "You can go outside with the other kids and play" and "Mommy's in the living room so you don't have to be afraid" and when he asked if the "scary Halloween movie" (The Nightmare Before Christmas - which they are not allowed to watch )was on I reassured him that it was not. And yet he wouldn't leave the bed. He even went so far as to lie and say he was still tired to be able to stay with me.

I don't know it was weird. For some reason he just needed me then. So we lay together for awhile, me trying to sleep and failing and wg3 pretending he was tired and failing. It is nice to be needed.

I eventually got my butt up, having got no rest and helped him integrate into the busy household which he did quickly. I don't know, maybe being in a different place just means he needs a little more reassurance.

In truth I did let him down today. There was a play group of 3 year olds about 5 houses away. Maya goes and wg3 said he wanted to go, but only if I checked on him. I said I would, but it was only an hour and I went off after a half hour or so and played racquetball. When I met up with him again he reminded me I hadn't kept my promise. I apologized profusely and agreed that I had failed in my responsibility, but he admitted that he'd had fun and I agreed to abide more strictly by my word in the future. Who knows how much of it he gets, but it was important to him and I believe in treating my little ones with much love and respect. I sure am grateful for the little fellas.

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