Saturday, November 8, 2008

Last Night

KM17's play was great. She has the lead in Carousel as Julie Jordan. Her voice is great though it was most powerful at the clambake when she was sitting down in the second act. She did a really great job and though her voice is beautiful, probably the best last night, I am partial to her acting.

When KM17 was a kid growing up in California she did a little of everything for a very short period of time. She didn't stick with anything for some reason. She has expressed doubts of late about acting. I'm not sure if acting is the best thing for her, only she can decide that, but I hope she has the intestinal fortitude to stick with something.

One of my favorite quotes is by an unfamous guy who plays the violin, maybe I've even written it here before, his name is Alex and he plays the violin. Alex started playing when he was 3. Alex has studied with world famous violinists and one night after having asked him to perform for a small audience I remarked about how talented he was. Alex responded by saying, "I spend a lot of time with this violin."

Anything worth doing takes sacrifice and the fortitude to stay the course. I haven't always had it, but I know now it's important.

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