Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Surprise Date

Grandma mm took the boys tonight. nh called me at work to say she was childless. I immediately got excited. We saw The Dark Knight. We also ate chicken Caesar pizza - yummy. The flick was okay, the food was good, the surprise from my mother-in-law was great.

I called the boys to say I missed them when I got home. dg4 asked when he was going to see us.
"Is that right now?"
"No, it's after you wake up in the morning."
"But is that right now?"
"No son, it's in the morning when you wake up. You're staying the night at Grandma's house." And then before he can ask again I say, "I love you son. I miss you and I can' wait to see you tomorrow."
"Okay, I love you. Goodbye."

What is the deal with kids and time. I don't understand how they can have NO concept of time. I'll bet we've talked about it one million times. Sometimes kids have the memory of a gold fish.

Grandma mm only wanted to take one boy at a time, but the boys wanted to go together so she conceded and took them both. What a softie.

Thanks Mom.

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