Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A prayer

Tonight dg4 prayed for Grandma D, that no one will die, that we will find the whole body of a dinosaur and he was grateful for his Aunt G.

Wg2 has a food allergy we don't know about. Saturday at Paw Paw's Birthday party he ate something in the enchilada that triggered an allergy. Sunday morning he exhibited something like mosquito bites on his stomach and ribs. Nh was sure it was because he was playing outside; a mosquito must have gotten in his shirt. The next day he was covered in what we found out were hives. He has hives so bad he can barely walk at times. It tears my heart out. It's suppose to last a week. Uggghhh. His spirits are pretty high and when they're not a little cuddling goes a long way.

I've decided to bunk in his room tonight. Couch cushions on the floor. My own pillow. A down comforter. (It's 95 outside, no really). I rig the fan to blow on me and turn it on high.

He's talking in his sleep which is unusual. I'm worried. I love wg2. If the doctor is wrong I'm going to want to break his bones. He'd better not be wrong. I hope my kids will be peacemakers, Lord knows I struggle at it.

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