Sunday, June 29, 2008

It's Impossible

Can it be possible to play your best, to plot your strategy, to execute on that strategy, and still have your wife love you? I think not. My game playing days with my bride may be over.

7-4-08 My bride takes what I do in the game personally. Today I got a little perspective on the subject from friend Joseph. He caused me to liken it to my work. At work there is a man I'll call Jumbalia Frog because that is what I call him. He is my favorite person in the whole place. His personality is wonderful. However, his performance is wanting and if I were to pick a person that had to go it would be him. I cannot allow my personal feelings to influence my actions. I must strive to do what is best overall. I bring this same attitude to competition. It isn't personal.

In the case of competition among friends however, I guess I'm realizing, even as I write that my tack is to do what is best to execute my overall strategy and win and not what is just best overall. I will have to think about that some more.

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