Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Bedtime Stories @ 2.5

Nh is reading to the boys right now. It's a bedtime story. She cannot finish two sentences before wg2 interrupts her. She explained, "I'll never be able to finish this book if you don't quit interrupting me!" dg4 gets it instantly. wg2 just whispers his interruptions. We stifle laughs.

wg2's interruptions are inane. "That's Timon. And that's Timon. And that's Timon." or "That's Pumba, that's Pride Rock, and those are Hyenas and that guy digged a hole." The Lion King is his favorite story.

We think the story will never end. It does. Sometimes we hope this will never end. It will.

1 comment:

Joe said...

Girl 2 has recently stopped interrupting her stories, so you probably don't have long left. Now she acknowledges each pause by saying, "oh."