Friday, September 19, 2008

They went up on the mountain

nh took the boys up onto the mountain. I worked and decided to sleep in a bed. I began to miss them long before I got off of work. Now I'm here and they're not. I'm going to try to rest and get ready for what purports to be a long, long week.

Before they left dg5 was worried they would be killed.

"By what?"
"Bears and snakes and mountain lions."
"Well, they do live there, but I've only ever seen one bear on that mountain." Then, the inevitable quesition...
"How big was it?"
"It was about half of the size of the jeep, but he was scared of us and ran away when he saw us. If you leave them alone, they'll leave you alone so have fun exploring, but only go with Mom or Grandpa or Grandma."

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