Sunday, May 18, 2008

Wg2 is worried

Wg2 was concerned today about a beetle the boys located and captured in a half-rinsed milk jug. After a brief discussion with Dg4, the abductor, it was decided that for the beetle to live he should be set free. Dg4 promptly released the captive to the out of doors. The boys then spent a good deal of time observing and manipulating the bugs movements. They seldom coordinate their efforts so well.

I got bored and went to take a shower and after a time Wg2 came flustered and worried to the shower curtain. I pulled the curtain back.

"Duh bug is wost," he says.
"Duh bug is wost!"
"What," I said? and so on. He was worried the bug couldn't find it's way home. I explained that the bugs home is outside. "Oh," he says.

"But duh pider will eat him!"
"What spider?"
"Duh pider in the yard."

To provide some perspective, the beetle and spider relative to the yard is probably like two people trying to find one another wandering aimlessly through a large county. Not likely. However, I saw his point because it was a small beetle and it is likely a spider of any size would make a meal of him so I did what any self respecting parent would do, I lied. I said the beetle was very fast and that the "pider" wouldn't be able to catch him and wouldn't you know it, he bought it. God love him, such worry for the little beetle.

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