Friday, May 16, 2008

The little man speaks up

On the way home from activities, when it is dark and after the kid's bedtime we ask them to observe quiet time. Okay, what we tell them exactly is, "Okay boys it's time to be quiet now, it's past bedtime." We repeat for emphasis and wg2 pretty regularly shhhses us because we are breaking our own rule. (Wg2 has a hypocrisy filter. I am very frequently cautioned about my use of the forbidden word "stupid" and wg2 often pushes for me to take a timeout seat, though he seldom succeeds.)

For the first time dg4 said, "But I want to talk." I was taken by surprise. Wg2 will challenge and does challenge with some frequency and often for no apparent reason, but when the mild mannered dg4 asserted himself a little against a "known standard" the expression of independence was refreshing. So we said, "Okay, let's talk." One million more of these moments and he'll be grown.

I love being a father. I love my kids.

The talking went nowhere fast however because the second wg2 understood it was okay to talk he was talking over everyone. What are you going to do?

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