Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Gang's All Here

Today my wife's family is all here.

There is Grandma B, the matriarch.

Her daughters Aunt K, Aunt L and my mother-in-law Mm

Now Mm is the only one with kids and they are : Jg, Sh, Aa, Nh, Ah, and Eh.

Here is where it gets interesting because all the kids, they/we all have kids and as you might guess, spouses. (Jg-3, Sh-4, Aa-3, Nh-3, Ah-1, Eh-1.)+6 spouses

So that adds up to 32 people.

We started the day off by cramming into a picture. The photographer had to back up into the hallway to get us all in. As you might guess it didn't come off without a hitch, but fortunately my in-laws can be and often are really laid back and they rolled with it, which was cool. Aunt L is missing in the photo because she got in a little late.

We swam in the afternoon, I launched the kids from the pool to some distance in the air only to have them return to the pool again; imagine that - I never did get it right they always came back down. And ah and I wrestled. She's wily, but I dunked her until the cows came home. Although, she did almost get me once. It is good to see Ah again.

And lastly we went to the Gaslight Theater. I never go there, but I have a great, not good but great, time. Those people work that little stage and have so much fun doing it you can't help, but have fun yourself. Repeatedly, the thought came into my mind that anything worth doing is worth doing well. Those folks were absolutely incredible and inspiring. They made me consider how well I do the things I do. I'm grateful that we went.

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