Thursday, May 15, 2008

Graduation Presents

Km17 graduates next Thursday night. I'm filled with lots of strange forbodding feelings. Childish likely, but they are there. I'm struggling with what makes a great graduation gift. My wife and sister say nothing shines like cash. My wife says $200, my sister says $500. Does paying for college count? I don't think anyone's gonna say yes.

A friend at work says a camera. I like that. A way to record college and the college years. It seems impersonal though. I'd like to give her a pendant. A really nice pendant, from Dad, y'know. I want her to know I'm proud of her. I don't think any gift could say that. At least not for me. But it's not for me, it's for her and I guess I'm just afraid I don't know what might say that for her.

I'm not going to buy the pendant, but I want to. Why not though???? Why not? Is this angst I'm feeling necessary? I mean c'mon, geez.

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