Monday, May 19, 2008

See KM17 See her brother love her

KM17 is half-sister to the boys. The boys don't know what that means. I know what it means I just don't think it matters. I know it doesn't matter to them. They love her very much. This is KM17 and Wg2 spending a little time together inside one of my oversized coats. I'm pretending not to see him. "Where's wg2? Where is he?"

KM17 graduates Thursday. I'm excited for her. We all are.

Dg4 made a card for KM17's graduation. He spent 1/2 hr. strategically placing 70 stickers on construction paper. Then his mother wrote his words on a card for KM17. dg4 was very proud of his cards. He loved that KM17 loved them.

Random Happening

Tonight dg4 asked KM17 if Satan was a bad guy? She said, "Ask your Dad." He said, "Why did Adam and Eve get kicked out of the garden for eating the fruit?" She said, "Ask your Dad."


kateonbroadway said...
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kateonbroadway said...

What was she supposed to say? ;). Did he ask his dad? ... those cards are now proudly displayed on my wall. They make me smile :).