Sunday, May 18, 2008


My friend and I joked awhile back because his brother (AWM) didn't spend a lot of energy picking names for his labrador retrievers. He named his black lab Hershey and his chocolate lab Cocoa. We mused, why not black dog and brown dog? or possibly quadraped one and quadraped two?

I thought of this because of the way dg4 names his pets. We bought a bala shark for a fish tank and he named it sharky. One of the goldfish we bought is named spotty because, as you might guess, he has spots. And the eel we bought, originally identified as a female is eelyanora. The beetle he caught today??? beetley.

We put a lot of thought into dg4's name and his brother's as well. dg4 is named after our fathers. They are men we respect, admire, love. wg2 is just a name we loved. w is a family name and g is some half-baked name I had to compromise on. Don't get me wrong, I couldn't imagine another name for the little man now, but I mean really, g? (A short addition at my wife's request, I was lobbying for Hemingway as his middle name...pretty half-baked I guess.) Well, I'm being dramatic, but it just wasn't my first choice. My daughter's name was chosen for it's uniqueness and her mother's propensity for shopping (which her mom denies to be true). Lucky us, it was the most popular girl's name for that year. How does that happen?

I was named after a GI buddy my dad served with in Viet Nam. My wife's name is both biblical and after a friend of her family's (N Logan).

Tonight my Grandma D told me that my dad was named after a guy named David Daniel Kaminsky an actor from way back. My Great Grandmother L. apparently was a fan of DDK. My Grandma D however changed his middle name to something else. I asked why and she simply answered because she wanted to. Well there you go!

My Grandma D tells me that she received her name after an aunt, who turned out to be a friend of Great Grandma L's who lived on the Mississippi. Straight from Grandma D. The detail is a little weird, but it's all I've got.

All I'm saying is that I believe names are important and their history should be as unique the people that choose them. My son is four, I get that. I don't know what AWM's deal is.

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