How to Keep Your Family Together When the World is Falling Apart is signed by the author, Dr. Kevin Lehman. My Mother-in-Law gave it to me 7 years ago. I like non-fiction, mostly histories, but I just never started and when I did it was hard to keep going. However, I vowed to read no other books until I finished it and at long last I have.
The plan was always to pass it on to the next kid in the family. Someone that might read it.
It's very practical, with lots of executable ideas. I wonder who in the family might be open to improvement? The ones who are willing probably need it least. Maybe that's why it took me seven years to get to and plow through. I think I'll send it to Aunt SJ. In keeping with my theory, she probably doesn't need it. I guess in the end I'm just going with who might actually read it. I probably wasn't the optimum choice to begin with.
Though I would not plod through it again, I would happily reference it often. I did learn a great deal. I may get a copy of my own to keep on the shelf for just that purpose. Thanks Mom.
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