Thursday, December 11, 2008

Candy makes you shrink

A friend of ours once told dg2 or 3 that the grapes he didn't want were growing grapes. That was enticement enough for him and he ate his grapes. Afterwards she measured him and assured him that he had grown.

We picked up on it and very often use the phrase, "You have to eat your growing food or you'll shrink!"

Today wg3 stated flatly, "I want candy."
I replied, "No."
"But I want it," he whined! The whine is an admission that the "no" will stick I think.
"No, you'll shrink!"
"But I don't want to get taller!" Again with a whine.
"Why not?"
"Because I'll hit my head on the ceiling!"
"I don't think you have to worry about that wg3."

It was a fun day despite the lack of candy. We went outside and kicked the ball around. wg3 threw his ball over the wall. We retrieved it once. He threw it over again. As I went to lower wg3 over the wall the dogs came out. wg3 sat on the wall with his feet hanging over. I'll be darned if the big one didn't jump up and just nip the end of his toe. Grrrr. I'd like to make a hot dog out of the little rat. Fortunately, it was only a flesh wound. And not a Black Knight style either. Wg3 didn't even cry, but there was a little blood.

We went in then and put a puzzle together and read the nutcracker. Then because nh was out at a meeting for her calling I made dinner. "What do you want," cries I?! "Rice Krispies," cries they! So milk and cereal it was for dinner while we watched part of Home Alone. Before the movie even started the question began, "Is that the bad guy?" X 1000. I was so happy when the bad guys showed up and I could say, "There they are. That's them. There are no others. There are no other bad guys. It's just them, please don't ask anymore."

1 comment:

kateonbroadway said...

I love Home Alone!!!!!!And those bad guys are bad guy enough for all the bad guys in the world.