Sunday, April 5, 2009

I was a real curmudgeon

Parenting classes. I have an 18 y.o., a 5 y.o. and a 3 y.o. Isn't that experience enough? Nh started going to parenting classes. She came back from the first one and said she was the only one there without a husband. I went to the next class.

I asked what she learned and it sounded like another hour of church, which is fine, but I was hoping for very specific tools and theories and guidelines on parenting. Tell me what you've got and let me decide how to proceed. Well, I was pleasantly surprised. The teacher was engaging and the material was actually pretty good. In fact, I'd say I have more information than I know what to do with.

I wasn't wanting to go, I was a curmudgeon. Sometimes the only thing I can do to stop myself is duct tape and when I run out I get into trouble.

1 comment:

Julianne Zollinger said...

Good for you, and good for Naomi for making you go.